231-845-2522 | 410 S James St, Ludington, MI [email protected]

Ludington, MI:  Twenty five years ago, Jamesport Brewing Company (JBC) opened its doors to the public for the first time, with aims to build community and spark a rejuvenation of South James Street. 

It began in 1994 when Harriet and Greg Jones saw that the building we know as the Jamesport Center, was going to be demolished. Not wanting to see a slice of Ludington’s history go the way of the wrecking ball, they purchased the building. Initially three of the six storefronts were used for Harriet’s business, Sunset Bay Antiques. The building was still full of opportunities, as the other three storefronts were empty and waiting.

Roger and Jane Washburn were long time friends of the Jones and shared an interest in historical-themed restaurants. Along with Thom Hawley, and a few other Ludington natives, planning for a restaurant began.  Roger, current President of JBC, was a home brewer and suggested the team consider a brewpub format for the restaurant. The original brewery equipment was purchased from the Clevelander Hotel in Miami Beach and when Jamesport Brewing Company opened its doors in 2000, it was one among the first 65 craft breweries in the state during the late-20th century Michigan craft beer boom. 

More history and photos on our website: https://jamesportbrewingcompany.com/history/

Along the way, JBC has expanded their deck for outdoor seating, added a 50 seat banquet room, made numerous kitchen expansions, added the Portside Garden pergola and outdoor bar for seasonal dog-friendly seating, upgraded from a 3BBL to 5BBL brewhouse, and recently purchased the Jamesport Center building in which they reside. 

Jamesport Brewing Company weathered the COVID storm by streamlining their take-out offerings and included a roll of toilet paper with each order. 

JBC’s forward-thinking owners, a team of dedicated staff, and loyal patrons are all part of the recipe of their success. 

While over one quarter of the current employee roster has been with the company for over 5 years, the brewpub would like to recognize the following employees for their years of service. 

  • 25 years – Julie McDonald (General Manager/Vice President of Restaurant Operations)
  • 25 years – Shannon Miller (Assistant Manager)
  • 20 years – Jason Lockeman (Assistant Manager)
  • 19 years – Britney McDonald (Server)
  • 18 years – Kerby  Bassett (Kitchen Lead)
  • 15 years – Travis Schultz (Assistant Kitchen Manager)
  • 15 years – Tim Johnson (Head Brewer)
  • 14 years – Jennifer Tooman (Brewery + Brand Manager)
  • 13 years – Derek Lange (Kitchen)
  • 13 years – Adrienne Cressell-Linstrom (Manager)
  • 10 years – Chris Smith (Kitchen Lead)

Jamesport will celebrate their quarter century mark with events occurring March 14-15, 2025. 

  • Release of Nitro Stout
  • Feature dinner menu, bringing back old favorites from the past will be available 5-10pm on both Friday, March 14 and Saturday, March 15
  • Live music Friday, March 14th from 6-9pm featuring Road Less Traveled
  • Live music Saturday, March 15th from 6-9pm featuring Groovix Cube
  • Photo booth on Saturday, March 15 from 11:30am until 8pm

The celebration will continue Sunday, March 16 with St. Patrick’s Day festivities

  • Live Celtic music from 2-6pm featuring Truck Stop Incident
  • Feature menu all day with Irish fare like Bangers & Mash, Irish Boiled Dinner, and more! This menu will be available all day Sunday, March 16 and Monday, March 17 (until we run out!)

For online orders, catering inquiries, tap lists, and more, visit our website at JamesportBrewingCompany.com.

Follow along on Facebook and Instagram (@jamesportbrewingco) for brewery updates, daily specials, and upcoming events.  
